2017: A Recap
Turbulent- is that the correct word to describe 2017? Maybe not. Maybe it wasn’t so choppy, perhaps it was more of a constant downpour. Where and how do you begin? It's hard to say but we're going to try.
We aren’t about to delve into how 2017 was the rainiest summer of all time because it doesn’t even sound good anymore, we’ve heard about it too much. The rain did something though. The rain strengthened our relationship with you. In the past few years, we’ve been getting to know you, you and The Hive been feeling each other out. The Hive quite simply was testing out the waters in years past.
This summer solidified a lot of things for us and we’re crediting the rain, and you.
You and your perseverance, your anything but ‘fairweather’ attitude and love for Georgian Bay brought you in a few more times than usual to hang out. This 'strengthening of relationships' thing we're talking about often extended out of the store to where we ended up at your cottage dinner table...I mean at least I think we were invited? This is one of our favourite characteristics of Georgian Bay cottaging: the little mini unspoken checklist of things that act as a foundation to a cottage relationship. Cocktail parties, low key barbeques, hopping in the boat at 8:45 pm to sit in the middle of the bay for the sunset, the list goes on. We really got to know a lot of people this year on a new level. We love greeting you by name, we love your kids and your kid's kids, your dogs and even your "newbie" cottage guests.
Our final area of reflection focuses on a few things we tried this summer and LOVED. For starters, we ran a bunch of stand up paddle board clinics with none other than Ann Green and they were a blast. Talk about being connected to the water alongside the most talented teacher in the yoga universe, ever. Perhaps our sweetest addition to the shop, fresh scoop ice cream. Yes, fresh is a describing term when it comes to Belly’s handcrafted ice-cream made in Huntsville, Ontario. Wild blueberry and lavender, every time. Finally and perhaps the most fun, hosting the launch of Sunfish - a seasonal restaurant (in the cutest damn tent) that like us, is totally obsessed with Georgian Bay. We ate fresh pickerel atop a quartz slab that was layered in candied lichen- to die for. The most exciting part of these new additions? They're all happening again on the water, on the dock, in a tent, in 2018.
Now, what else is ahead of us in 2018? A lot, a lot a lot a lot. We have plans, big plans that we can’t divulge TOO much of - but we can share with you idea’s were progressing towards. We haven’t necessarily travelled as far and as wide as we usually do in the offseason, however, we have explored a ton of gorgeous shops in BC, notably Vancouver, Victoria, and the Comox Valley. We have been reminded by our West Coast friends that supporting local is essential to a healthy community. The folk out here are really, really good at supporting each other and are truly passionate about their partnerships close to home. The Hive will be expanding and refining its product line up to support (even more) makers in northern Ontario. We have renewed our retail vows to bring in the most functional, necessary goods to Georgian Bay, leaving the rest behind. Less stuff, more quality tools to maximize your well being on the Bay.
Finally, we are so happy for those of you who live year round on the bay because it's shaping up to be a full-on Canadian winter. We’ve been slighted the past few years, so take the opportunity to enjoy what Georgian Bay in the deep, deep snow has to offer. Over here we are looking onwards to April, or our ‘reno’ month as we’ve been dreaming up ways to make every corner, every space a little more lovely.
Thank you for showing us your love this holiday season and all year round.
Whether it be shopping with us online or sending us little notes on Instagram, we dig it.
2017 was quite a ride and we look forward to another year full of fresh waves and rocky shores.
With love,
Lauren + The Hive