A day for Dad
Father’s Day - the official day of the Dad is almost upon us. It’s June 18th by the way, we keep forgetting too don't worry. We at The Hive will be celebrating dad all weekend long because we think he deserves more than just one day a year! We will be kicking off the festivities on Saturday with live music on the deck! In honour of this holiday we thought it would be best if everyone celebrated by doing things that are quintessentially dad.
The Hive's official Father’s Day weekend rules:
- Talk about dad things: Power-tools, the game last night, the deck you’re standing on, the deck you’re going to build, problems with other people’s decks.
- Dad jokes aren’t required but they are appreciated.
- Please drop real names and refer to others only by “champ” “kid” “buddy” “pal” etc. you get the gist of it.
- Stare intently at something, you don’t need to think too hard, just stare.
- Everything will be grilled this weekend, everything, even your cereal, we don’t care just grill it!
- Make plans to rebuild an engine, you don’t need to follow through, but make the plans, it will feel right.
- Rake your leaves, do it even though they will fall continuously for the next 6 months, rake away anyway.
- Have a cold one on the dock, or 5.
- Listen to old friends like Bob or Gord or Neil, only the oldies will do this weekend.
Planning out the mother’s day gift ideas was a strenuous activity that took time and thought and some head scratching to get it just right, but did we do the same for father’s day? NO. Not because we don’t care, but because fathers are simple creatures and their gifts need to match. So what do we suggest? Underwear, the softest, comfiest underwear. Cocktail fixin’s, because cocktails, that’s why. Vans shoes, a classic and dependable shoe, just like dad. But hey, if your dad is a little more complex don’t worry we’ve got you covered, come in and tell us about him and we can match you with the perfect gift.
We’ve seen your cars, and heard your buzz around The Hive during the week and feel it’s only fair to give our lovely customers what they want, more hours! As of June 14th we are going to be open Wednesday to Sunday until our official full time hours start. Ciboulette is moving and shaking in Midland with the opening of their new location so with so much on their plates- literally, they will be keeping to their normal hours (Friday, Saturday, Sunday until end of June). Stop in for a shop, a chat, or to get your fix of a very cuddly labrador.
Wednesday 11-5
Thursday 11-5
Friday 11-6
Saturday 9-6
Sunday 9-5
Oh, and one last thing. Thank you to all of the Georgian Bay dads. We love and appreciate you, thank you for saving us in choppy waters.