Dad's + Dad Boxes
Dads...The men that rescue us when our motors decide to swallow ropes, the judges of many a diving board jumping contest, and the men who- like the Georgian Bay pines, stand unwavering (albeit bent) in the windstorm that is parenting. At the root of all that is The Dad, they are impossible to shop for! So aiming to simplify everyone's lives we are launching Dad Boxes, a one-stop shop box that covers all the bases for Dad. We’ve broken Dads down into four categories and designed boxes specifically around character traits, read on and find out which dad is your dad!
Nature Dad
Who needs cologne when you smell like the Georgian Bay forest floor. This dad doesn’t feel right until his bare feet meet the granite and he’s got an axe in hand, and If this dad had his way we would all be living under the stars seeking shelter beneath a fallen pine. But alas, his family likes running water and a roof so he seeks his connection with nature in other ways, like peeing in it. If this outdoors loving man sounds like your father pick up the Nature Dad Box.
Barware Dad
G and T on the rocks? Mimosas on the dock? Give this man a drink order and he will deliver. If you hadn’t heard, ice cubes are in fashion and not the cubes that come from those white plastic trays that you crack and pop out rectangular ice cubes, no those are out! Round cubes, long cubes and square cubes are in! This dad knows the perfect cube to drink ratio and would never be caught dead drinking a pre-mixed anything. If it’s meant to be sipped it’s meant to be made! If this sounds like your pops, grab the Barware Dad Box.
Handy Dad or more formally known the “New Balance Sneaker Dad”
Dependable, reliable, a creature of habit is this dad. Gadgets and gizmos? Oh yes! This dad likes drills, and bottle openers that pop tops off beers with a satisfying sound, he likes things with lids, new things that look like they could be old things, and if there’s a manual, even better! This dad likes things that serve a purpose. If this sounds like your dad, pick up the Handy Dad Box.
Metro Dad
Clean cut and well groomed is this dad. When he looks good he feels good, and when he feels good he does good and that’s quintessentially the Metro Dad. Mark Twain once said “Clothes make the man, naked people have little or no influence on society” and this dad reminds himself of that every day. If this dad sounds like your dad, pick up the Metro Dad Box.